Sunday, April 30, 2006

Today I just got back from Women's Retreat near Lake Tahoe. What an experience that was. It was a blast to hang out with women from the church that I used to call home. Now I am a part of a new church plant. The ladies are incredible. I love each lady that was there. The speaker Kathi Lipp was so wonderful. She talked about that we are princesses. That Jesus wants to dance with us. He will led us. We just need to follow him. What a hard concept to let soak into my heart. But I am choosing to remember that. We got to wear tiera the whole weekend. That got alot of questions from the men who were also at the conference center. No we weren't together. We had a own separate building. We just saw men at meals in the meal hall.

When I got home, I changed my blog name. Our daughter will also be a princess. I got to talk to friends about adopting Hannah. They were so encouraging. I know ladies are praying for me and my husband and our precious daughter. It made me realize that adoption process and Hannah are in God's hands. I have nothing to fear. I am praying about what we should do now. I know that God will show us. I am so looking forward to the process.

Saturday, April 22, 2006

Ladybug Sighting!

Today, when we got home, I noticed that the bush by our front door had a ton of Ladybugs.:) I took pictures of them. People will wonder how we took pictures of the bush. But ladybugs are significant to the chinese adoption community. It means good luck. It was so neat to see so many of them. I also am praying that my friend Christi and other ladies who I have been following their blogs will get their referrals soon. I am sure it is hard to be patient. But I know that God has his perfect timing.