Friday, April 11, 2008

A fun day!

Due to Tom working last Sunday, he was able to take today off. After we had to get one of Tom's tires fixed. We decided to go to the Jelly Belly Factory in Fairfield. We have been before. But it is such a fun place to go. It was busy. But it didn't stop us from being able to go on the factory tour. It is so neat to see how the jelly beans are made. Then we got free jelly beans. Then we had a late lunch. After that, we decided to go to the Nut Tree area in Vacaville. They have a cute family park there. We didn't go in. Since you had to pay to get in. But we got ice cream at a creamery and watched all of the action. They had some cute kids rides. We then went shopping. There was a Old Navy store. I got two sweaters each for $6.00 and a bag for $6.00. I got a Rachel Ray cookbook at Home Goods. We headed home. Then we went to Target and had dinner at Pei Wei. It was such a fun day.