Sunday, June 25, 2006

Updates from Selima and Tom

Life has changed since I last posted. I left my job as a childcare coordinator at a crisis center. Working at a crisis center is a difficult and changing job. I loved the people and children that I worked with. But the commute was getting to be too much. But I know God has plans for me. I am starting to help a friend start up her business. It is going to be a fun place for children to play. So hopefully the business will open up the beginning of October. But on the adoption front, I am really feeling that God wants us to start the process. I have few questions for the agency before we fill out the application. But I am starting to think of fundraisers to get the funds to bring Hannah home, hopefully the end of next year. I have a couple in mind. I am trusting in God that he will direct our steps towards Hannah.