Sunday, August 20, 2006

We found this doll at Costco. Since It is breakable, It will be staying in the box until we are starting a room for Hannah. It was must-have. It is on our fireplace. It reminds me of our daughter to come. I know in my heart that God has a daughter for us in China. I think of her every day. I am trusting that God will direct us to start the process in his timing. I am little worried about rumors that I have been reading on the Rumor Queen that China might change their rules for adoptive families. That you have to own a house. Which we don't. I am not sure what God has planned for Tom and I. But it makes me wonder how many families who really want to adopt are not going to be able to because of the rules. It makes me sad for the children who are not going to be able to adopt into a family who loves them for who they are.There are so many children that really need their own families. I don't understand the rules if they came to be. This string of rules might affect single woman who might not be able to adopt. Which makes me sad also. Anyway, I guess we will have to want to see what China is decides to do.

1 comment:

Christi and Abbey said...

I wonder if they still have these. It's beautiful. I got Abbey a really pretty Mulan one.